Wednesday, June 15, 2011

9 Months

You have become such a big boy this month!
You are trying to crawl (FINALLY!!).
You only want to eat "grown-up" food and only eat baby food for breakfast.
You said 'Ma-ma' and melted my heart.
You can "motor boat" with your mouth and fingers. It's the sweetest thing ever.
You're in 6-9 month clothes and they're getting snug.
You're in a size 5 diaper.
You weigh 22 lbs now!
You are IN LOVE with the swimming pool and have become an outside addict.
We only have 3 months until you're 1 and I'm wishing time would slow down more now that I ever have. I don't want my 'baby' to grow up. But these have been the BEST nine monts I've ever known.

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