Thursday, January 7, 2010


It has been quite some time since I have "blogged". One of my new years resolutions is to be a better blogger. I still haven't blogged about our one year annivesary,our new home,our first Christmas in our new home,or our new Godchild that will arrive sometime in June of 2010! We have had a great start to our new year. Since our home is now back in some kind of order after cleaning up from the holidays I will take pictures and get caught up on my blogging.Until then--

1 comment:

  1. Just came across your blog tonight-it is really cute and I LOVE the Kenny Chesney song. I think I need to listen to some of his beach tunes with how horrible the weather has been!

    I am a new follower, just found your blog tonight. It is nice to "meet" you. Pop on my to my bloggy blog and follow back if you would like. Look forward to following. ~Juliana with A Blonde Walks Into a Blog...
